In addition to being a K teacher, a member of the RTI-B team (behavior team - I help plan rallies and evaluate behavior data), a Social Studies piloter/curriculum development person, a summer school teacher and summer school curriculum writer, United Way Campaign Director at my school, and occasional part-time server at an amazing local restaurant, I'm now the new Wellness Coach at my school of about 80 staff.
In the last few years I've increased my interest in wellness - special thanks to my best friend, Ashley. We
Why am I posting about wellness on my Kindergarten blog, you ask? Well, I just had to share my cute little wellness bulletin board. :) And perhaps it will inspire you to motivate the staff at your school to be well. A healthy staff is a happy staff! :) (And a healthy Kindergarten teacher is hard to find in between those sniffles, sneezes, whoops, and wheezes!)
With some inspiration from my district's wellness coaches, I'm implementing the "12 Days of Wellness" at my school. I posted 12 healthy mind and body activities on paper Christmas bulbs (Thank you DJ Inkers for the cute clipart!) and encouraged my co-workers to complete one activity a day to promote wellness in their lives in the 12 days preceding our holiday break. The best part is the incentive....each time someone completes an activity, they put their name in the bucket for a chance to win a 30 minute massage! Um...yes, please! Can I win even though I'm organizing the activity?!?!
So, just like the amazing teachers I work with, I'm encouraging YOU to do the following in the 12 days leading up to the holiday season:
1. Eat one healthy meal today.
2. Go to sleep 10 minutes earlier tonight.
3. Trade out water for one beverage today.
4. Take 4 minutes for personal reflection.
5. Drop some change in the Salvation Army's red kettle.
6. Take some time to read a book, magazine, or newspaper.
7. Call an old friend.
8. Laugh out loud at least once today!
9. Watch TV or go to a movie.
10. Show a random act of kindness.
11. Write down 5 things you are thankful for.
12. See the 'positive' in everything today!
Happy Holidays!
Be Well!
Love, Sheyna